Monday, September 22, 2008

The Rajputs

Our next interview is with a very special guest who has come back from history to put forward his viewpoint in front of us. He is the Rajput king of the Kingdom of Newar. He was the king of this region at the time of invasion of India by the East India Company. This interview was recorded just before the invasion by the British. So, presenting before you the king of Newar:-

Me: My lord, thankyou for givng us your precious time. I heard you cancelled your hunting tour today to take time out for us.
King: It’s nothing. I had already gone to two hunting tours yesterday. Today, I had to cancel my tour because a Shudra crossed our path while we were on our way. Who can go if God sends such powerful signs to advise us not to go? Anyways, I have put that Shudra in jail and taken time out for you. Ask me whatever you want.

Q. My lord, right now the kingdom of Newar is into a fight with only four out of six of its neighbouring states. This is one of the most peaceful periods in the history of this kingdom. What do you think is the reason for this prosperity?
A. We have always tried to maintain peace with all our neighbours. But we cannot maintain peace with neighbours who step out of their limits and try to insult us. For example, take our northern neighbours. Last time when I was visiting their state, one of the darbans while serving water poured it over my diamond studded dress. How could I bear such insult? I immediately summoned my army to teach them a lesson. Our other northern neighbours also crossed their limits. Last time when their king came over he made physical contact with my queen. She fell over and he extended his hand to help her up. Do you think any self respecting man will be able to bear that? I immediately attacked that state. However, I cannot do anything in the fight with my eastern neighbours. We have been fighting for ages and I am only carrying forward the tradition. The fight with the fourth kingdom is purely due to personal reasons. The king of that kingdom won the last Sywamwar which I attended. But, don’t worry. I will prove my superiority over him by beating him in war. I am trying to establish good relations with our neighbours but I will like to assure my kingdom that it will not be on the cost of our respect.

Q. There are reports coming in that the British are on the verge of attacking India. What will you do to ward them off?
A. See, the British if they come are our guests. “Athithi Devo Bhawa”. We will help them in all manners possible since they will help in weeding out our rival states. My objective is to see that none of the other kingdoms in India should be able to expand their boundaries. I will befriend the British if they help us to achieve that goal. Besides, they don’t pose any challenge to us. We are invincibles. My family history and childhood training can never be matched by the British.

Q. You have five daughters and no son. What are you thinking about your successor?
A.Yes, it is a very big problem. I have sent my queen into exile as a punishment for giving birth to five daughters.I am thinking about marrying again for a son. I have again become active in the social circlre and started visiting Syamvaras.

Q. Can’t you make your daughter the head of the state?
A. Are you mad? How can a female ever become the head of this state? I have kept my daughters behind closed doors for their entire life and allowed them to come in contact with only 15 maid servants till now. What do they know about all these wordly affairs? No, it is unthinkable.

Q. What about your cousins?
A. Yes, that is possible. But my family has had a long history where the relatives killed each other for the throne. My grandfather was killed by his cousin who was killed by his second cousin who was then killed by my father for the throne. So, if I decide to make one of them the king, all these killings will again start. But I am still young. That is why I will try for a baby boy before resorting to this last option.

Q. My lord, there has been a drought in the state for past one month. What have you done to help the farmers battle these tough conditions?
A. Yes, I know about the drought. The person who comes to massage my body has lost some strength in his hands. When I asked him about it, he told me about this drought. I am trying to help the people through this crisis. At present, about 40% GDP of the state goes in acquiring precious stones ( such as diamonds, rubies etc ) which are embedded at various places in my palace. About 55% of the remaining GDP goes in the wars. Also, 20% of the people are involved in maintainance of the palace while remaining are farmers and warriors.I was thinking about increasing this 40% GDP involved in acquiring rubies to about 43%. But now because of drought, I am only increasing it upto 42%. Also, I have decided to employ 5% more people in the maintainance of the palace. This way we will be able to negate the effects of this drought.

Me: Thankyou ,my lord, for your time
King: Anytime, dude.

1 comment:

SVG said...

Saare Rajput aapko pakad ke marenge